顾名思义,顺译法就是要求译员在翻译过程中尊重原句,不做句子结构的调整,将原句分成若干成分并逐个翻译,而后将句子成分按照汉语习惯衔接在一起,从而形成完整的句子。 但是大家知道,中西方存在思维方式差异,那么两种语言在行文的习惯上就有不同,如果所有的句子都要「顺译」,那可能成为: 例如: The large ownership of the largest shareholder would strengthen the con- trolling power of the management, and then they could have strong bargain power when they are negotiating with the ac- counting firms.
因此在我们翻译法律术语时,有些可以直译,如tort(侵权),damage(赔偿金),verdict(裁决);有些则需要通过「对等法」进行翻译,如statute of limitations(诉讼时效法规),关于时效的法律规定,普通法系国家的常见术语,在中国一般翻译成“periods of prescription”或“prescriptive periods”。
Party A shall use Party B's goods only for civilian commercial purposes and shall not use Party B's goods for any military end-uses, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (including but not limited to nuclear, missile, chemical, and biological weapons), or any aerospace goods or applications (including but not limited to satellites).(译文:甲方仅将乙方货物用于民用商业目的,不会将乙方货物用于任何军事最终用途、大规模杀伤性武器扩散相关的货物或应用(包括但不仅限于核武器、导弹,化学和生化武器)或者任何航天货物或应用(包括但不限于卫星)
关于法律翻译的适用原则,目前有:准确原则(Principle of Accuracy and Precision)、一致原则(Principle of Consistency and Identity)以及专业和标准化原则(Principle- of Professionalism and Standardization)等。